Don't you guys think that the prizes are of too high value of coins. to get a samsung it'll take a lot of time to earn that much coins. Gokano it is my request to you to please lower the prize value, to ensure we also engage better in the game and actually get the prize home.

Svi žele TELEFON !!!!!Sada telefoni dostupni može se kupiti polovan ....Kod nas na tržišti ima povnih telefona i za 50 dolara!!!Naravno modernih!!!Ko će pratiti razvoj telfona svaki dan izlazi drugi !!!
Most of my friends have opted out of gokano after seeing its high value but less they know its easy as the missions and refer friends also give us that much coins to cope up.
I don't want a phone, I almost got a phone from an agency GFK market research!!!! I would be happy with a t-shirt too!!!
Yeas really alot of time or just alot of friends to invite
yeah ,so true
I mean we are gonna get it for free then we will have to take that level of efforts
Yup that's too high😂 it will take so long to collect that much amount of coins
Gokano is a safe site!!!! There are a lot of clips on the internet where people open the gifts they got from Gokano, that is, exchange points for prizes!!!
Its the game afterall
mac could also work 🤣
there shall be an iphone instead
I mean we can't change the rules right its the thing and we have to follow if we accept, If you want the prize you have to take efforts right...
Samsung is expensive an we are getting it for free and still complaining 😂
samsung is not worth 9,000,000 coins it should be lower
I mean all the prizes are ok except for the last three which are ps4, ipad, samsung ultra