Coins are the currency that we use on our website; they serve just one purpose: to trade with the reward value to make the value zero and successfully place the order; there are numerous different methods listed on the earn coins page. To follow the link, simply click on the highlighted word. You can read more about the coins on the Terms of use page.
Coins are the currency that we use on our website; they serve just one purpose: to trade with the reward value to make the value zero and successfully place the order; there are numerous different methods listed on the earn coins page. To follow the link, simply click on the highlighted word. You can read more about the coins on the Terms of use page.
@Vishnu Krishna this is the classic way of gokano its gonna be the same as it was before.
if you want to earn more coins, the refer friends coins has no limit... 👓
to purchase gifts
Basically, that's the currency here, they can be used on Gokano only, they are not dollars.